Current/Recent Reading List

28 March 2008

Congrats To Me; Let the Whining Commence

So, I attended a one day writing workshop back in January at N.C. State, and was so impressed by some of the tips I got that I decided to apply to the summer institute the Dept. of Education there puts on in conjunction with the National Writing Project. I was also highly motivated by the fact that I have two years left to get the rest of my continuing education credits out of the way, and thought I might as well do it in one big potentially enjoyable chunk.

Well, I applied to the summer institute, and just found out I was accepted. There were only 15 spots for 35 applicants, so yay for me, etc., etc. In reading the material, though, I began to seriously contemplate the pain in the rear this will be. In April, I have to go to a day long orientation one Saturday, followed by an even longer workshop and debriefing the next Saturday. That means working - gasp! - 12 out of 14 days. On top of that, it means missing two tee-ball games. DON'T YOU PEOPLE KNOW I'M AN ASSISTANT COACH?!!

And, as for the summer institute, it goes on for almost three full weeks, and, because it also counts for graduate credits, will no doubt involve some sort of research project/paper, in addition to heavy writing practice, as one of the core principles of NWP is that "Effective professional development programs provide frequent and ongoing opportunities for teachers to write and to examine theory, research, and practice together systematically." Whoo.

I need my Mommy.


Anonymous said...

OUCH. That 3 week burden in the middle of your 3 months off is a real bummer. We'll be praying for you and your family through this difficult time.

I didn't understand those big words in the core principles of NWP either.

Your friend in sarcasm,


Fred said...


By the way, I have a book, Strategic Writing by Deborah Dean (NCTE 2006) that I could send you if you want it. I'm not going to be needing it...

School Master P said...

That would be very nice, Fred. I'm off to t-ball practice this morning, but I'll e-mail you about it later today. Thanks.