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30 August 2007

Yeah, I'm Here

I've had something going on the last two nights, and time has not been a friend to my blogging. Things should settle down a little now, and I will give fuller reports about school week #1 this weekend. Suffice to say that it has been a fairly smooth week, periodically mottled by a few spasms of loneliness. It is not easy to start a new job, but as these things go I'm having a smooth time of it.

One tidbit: a sweet student has already brought me a gift. It is a chalkholder, which she said would help me look cooler than when I was writing with the large, pink piece of sidewalk chalk. And indeed it does.

More coming soon.


Fred said...

y'all use chalk? I interviewed at a place that still had chalkboards, but the principal quickly said that each classroom would have at least one dry erase board. I have a fondness for chalk and am not certain that dry erase is any better...

School Master P said...

I'm not either - in fact, I make less mess with chalk, from what I can tell. This room is apparently an anomaly at the school. The only dry erase board is at the back, for the yearbook staff.

Maybe the chalk fits me better since I'm a traditionalist.