Current/Recent Reading List

31 January 2008

Bound to Have Heard This Sooner or Later

Yesterday, the one and only boy in my yearbook class of 14 finally erupted with this one:


Yeah... I'm not even sure which girl it was directed at, but I just knew that was coming eventually. And the sad thing for the poor guy is that we all just laughed until he had to laugh too.

One day he'll make a really good husband - though today he said he wanted to marry Brittney Spears so he could make her all better.


Fred said...

he wanted to marry Brittney Spears so he could make her all better
Not good. I hope a decent woman snaps him up before he gets in over his head. Oi.

School Master P said...

Fred, you'll be happy to know that he also professes to be a Faulkner fan, though I've gathered he likes the idea of Faulkner more than the actual reading at this point.

Imagine this headline one day: Spears to Marry Young Faulkner Scholar.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see that headline, because it would indicate that at some point in the future, she gets healthy.

As it is, I think she going to end up dead, and sooner rather than later.